Thursday, April 7, 2016


So right around Kristen's birthday I had my Uncle Dutch pass away so we packed up everything and headed to Ohio.  On our way through Columbus, we stopped at The Horseshoe...or what Nathan would later say was the highlight of the trip.  
They keep a gate open for 'us tourists' to come in and look around.  Only rule: don't go on the field. 

Remember the only rule????  We didn't either!
We stayed at a hotel in Toledo...where Melissa and I spent 4 years of our TV lives...and then went to the funeral.  While there, we celebrated Kristen's birthday with cake in the dining area of the hotel and then swimming.  I know it's a birthday we'll never forget.

We also visited The Buckeye and Wolverine Shop..a must or Nathan would have lost his mind.

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